Covered Wheel - Options Wheel Strategy Tracker

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Welcome to CoveredWheel!

CoveredWheel is a FREE options trading journal for traders who prefer to trade options using the "Wheel Strategy" method of options investing. With CoveredWheel you can track your Covered Calls and Cash-Secured Puts with ease, and the site will provide you with valuable data such as your cost basis, your profit and loss stats, and more. All while maintaining a searchable list of all your transactions and legs.

Although CoveredWheel's main focus is on the Wheel Strategy, you can also use it as an alternative to excel or sheets for keeping track of other trades like Spreads and Verticals. I'm always adding features, so feel free to join the discord and make suggestions.

If you're wheelin' and dealin', Sign up now!


Not familiar with the Wheel Strategy? Watch this video!